Janice Kyd, The Artist of Spirit Doorways

Janice Kyd

An interesting coincidence is that my namesake, Janus, was the Roman god of doorways, gates and new beginnings. He ruled transitions, such as the progression of past to future and one vision to another.



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The Artist

Beauty has been a major theme and guiding light my entire life.

As a child growing up on a ranch in Montana, I loved raising flowers in my garden in the summer. I was enchanted by the perfume of the magnificent lilac bush that bloomed in front of our house; the earthy smells of Flash, my pinto horse; the sage brush that blanketed the hills; and the scent of newly-mown hay on a summer's day.

I spent hours drawing flowers, moths and butterflies and playing with vivid colors splashed on paper.

My childhood gave me time to contemplate the beauty of nature, the vast sky that changed continuously, the meaning of life. Who or what is Spirit? How can I become more aware of Its infinite essence?

After graduating from the University of Montana, I was soon drawn to the green lushness of Seattle. Five years later, the urge for change arose again. In 1980, I headed to Europe for as long as my money would last.

Finding a Home in Rome

My journey of exploration and discovery led first to Spain and then to Greece. After six months, I arrived in Rome and knew immediately I was home. The artistic beauty of its ancient architecture, its colors, shapes and scents, vibrated deeply within me.

After living in Rome for another six months, I met an Italian artist, Ettore de Conciliis, who painted exquisitely beautiful landscapes and still lifes. For 25 years I was privileged to be a part of his journey into becoming one of Italy’s most esteemed and internationally renowned artists.

During our time together, the passion for mystery and things unseen that had begun with my love of nature and the vast, open spaces of Montana led to a passion for working with subtle earth energies and hands-on healing. I studied and practiced meditation, Aura Soma color therapy, shamanism, Intuitive Feng Shui with William Spear and Energy Psychology.

Embarking on a Healing Journey

In 2002, I suddenly developed symptoms of multiple sclerosis. As a result, I began searching for greater understanding: What was the meaning behind this sudden challenge in my life? What did I need to do in order to be healed?

In 2004, this search led me to Stephen and Lynda Kane, founders of the School of Energy Awareness (see Resources). Almost immediately, I became a student in their Entry Path program and have continued to work with them ever since. Huge changes have occurred in my life as a direct result of practicing their techniques.

In 2006, my journey to healing led me to return to the United States and begin a new life in Portland, Oregon. Eight months later, I discovered Deborah Merkle, a counselor trained in the Rubenfeld Synergy Method.

Working with Deborah put me into a peaceful, relaxed state of consciousness. While in this state, I began to see images arising from deep within my own body. The powerful energies they contained created an overwhelming urge within me to draw them (using colored pencils, pastels and acrylics). Later on additional images also arose during meditation and in dreams.

The 64 Spirit Doorways images presented on this website are the result of this process.

These visionary images hold many profound teaching stories of insight and greater awareness--not only for me, but for others as well. All have been guided by the profoundly spiritual Path of Beauty.

Janice Kyd, the Artist behind Spirit Doorways Cards

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